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Questions and Answers

As a professional land surveying firm, we are often asked questions regarding our services. Below, we have compiled a list common questions and answers that people sometimes have.

What is a land survey?

A land survey is the process of determining land boundaries, and is made in order to establish new boundary lines or to locate the boundary lines of an existing parcel of land according to a legal description.

When do I need a land survey?

A land survey is useful whenever land is bought or sold, to establish the boundaries of the land, and to protect your investment. Generally, land surveys are needed:

  1. Before land is divided by deed, by a will, by a court, or subdivided for development purposes.
  2. Before land is developed by construction of buildings, roads, fences, etc.
  3. Before an unsurveyed tract or building site is conveyed from a larger tract.
  4. Before timber is to be cut near an unknown boundary line.
  5. Before a boundary dispute arises.
  6. When land acreage is not clearly defined by a legal description or plat.
  7. When a boundary line or property corner location is unknown or in dispute.
  8. When a money lending institution or title insurance company requires a survey.
  9. When you believe someone is encroaching on your land. You can lose title to your land by allowing someone else to use or occupy it for ling periods of time.

What will a surveyor do for me?

  1. Study your property description and show you what, in his professional opinion, the records and facts indicate the boundaries of your land to be.
  2. Survey your property and adjacent properties, if necessary to complete his work.
  3. Advise you if there are any defects in your land description, or evidence of encroachment.
  4. Set monuments at your property corners and mark them so that they can be easily found. A record of his work will also be filed in his office for future reference.
  5. Prepare a new legal description of the surveyed land to be used in a deed, when required.
  6. Help you to plan and lay out a subdivision into lots and streets.
  7. Prepare a plat or map of survey of your property, indicating the measurements he has made, the monuments placed, and any other data requested. The plat or map will contain a certificate of survey bearing the surveyor's signature.
  8. Supply you with as many copies of the certified plat or map as you may require.

What does the surveyor need from me?

  1. The reason for the survey.
  2. A copy of the deed or legal description which is to be surveyed.
  3. Any plats (maps) you have that could contain useful information, and any information you may have about the location of section corners, property corners, and property lines.
  4. If necessary, a meeting with you at the property.
  5. In some cases, the names of the adjoining landowners, a recent title opinion, and the abstract for the property may be helpful in performing the survey.

How much will my survey cost?

There are several factors that will determine the cost of your survey. Some of these factors are:

  1. The type of survey you are requesting.
  2. The size and shape of your property.
  3. The amount of research required.
  4. The number of unknown or missing section corners or lot corners in the vicinity of your land.
  5. The existence of fences, buildings, and other structures.
  6. The manner in which your legal description is written.
  7. The terrain and the amount of vegetation on the land.
  8. Accessibility to the land.
  9. Disputes over any boundary lines.
  10. Whether there have been other surveys done in the vicinity.
Because of these variables, it is often too difficult to determine an exact fee; however, based on general experience, the surveyor can usually furnish an approximate estimate of cost. Remember, the services of a land surveyor will cost less in time and money than the worry and cost of moving a building or going to court.